Note: This temporary site presented an intermediate version of our continued translation work. Now that all three books of this series became available in their final form in the Loving Divinity site (pdf format) we close this presentation. Interested visitor may still wish to read reviews of the three books by Daniel Ostoja written so far.

First Steps Towards Love

Conversations With a Spiritual Master


Daniel Ostoja

Translated from Polish
Krzysztof Proce (   and
Kazimierz M. Borkowski (

Edited by
Chris Parnell

With love and deep devotion to God,
whose Love knows no limits,
and who resides in everyone’s heart

Originally published by Wydawnictwo 'Arcanus' (Bydgoszcz 2004) in Polish
under the title "Pierwsze kroki ku Milosci. Rozmowy z Mistrzem duchowym"